There’s no stress when I digest
by Benjamin Yeargin, managing editor
Again, I’m not a Grinch, I promise.
But Christmas has just not been the same for me in recent years. I love opening gifts, I love the quality time with my family and I love Christmas movies — except the overrated “The Polar Express.” But the hype around Christmas, and especially the consumerism running rampant through the holiday, is so tiring to deal with.
That’s why I enjoy Thanksgiving so much more. It’s a holiday entirely focused on gratitude and spending time with those you love, free of the crazed shopping.
I love being able to run a 5K early in the morning with a run group, then come back and watch the “Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade” and football for as long as I want, then capping the day off with the best meal of the year.
I don’t think it’s even a question which holiday has better food. Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, rolls, pumpkin pie and pecan pie are all in a tier of their own for holiday food.
Now what’s the best Christmas food, fruitcake and ham? Give me a break. I’ll enjoy my stuffing over here.
I love being able to relax with my family and reflect on what I’m grateful for. It means the world to me to have that time to do it.
Christmas doesn’t allow you to do that. It’s filled with stress. Loneliness, financial strain and family tensions all are heightened leading up to Santa’s day, according to the Better Health Channel.
Christmas Day can be just as stressful. You wake up in the morning, tear open gifts (which are great, I’ll admit), get dressed and go to church or family’s homes where you’re around people all day.
You have no time to actually celebrate and relax, which is what holidays are for. There’s only so much guaranteed time off from work, school and other outside responsibilities.
I prefer to spend it relaxing instead of running around like a turkey with its head chopped off.
Now I don’t believe in putting the “Christ” back in Christmas, but I do think that the consumerism and the rampant shopping around Christmas are just so unnecessary and take over a holiday that doesn’t need to be.
The best gifts are the ones with the most emotion put into them, not anything you could find in Walmart on Black Friday.
Former Managing Editor Nicole McIsaac put it best, Christmas isn’t the most wonderful time of the year. But I think Thanksgiving is.
Pies and parades don’t make a holiday
by Ben Busillo, contributing writer
First and foremost, the fact that this debate is even up for discussion is beyond me. In zero categories does Thanksgiving beat Christmas. I’m sorry, but that’s the truth. There is no better feeling in the world than waking up on Christmas morning with flurries of snow hitting the ground. Christmas does everything Thanksgiving does, but better.
The Christmas spirit is not just relegated to one single day, it is a whole month of lights, charm and festive vibes. Thanksgiving does not carry the same weight at all. One day of parades, football and food and that’s it?
Have you ever walked around your hometown and noticed all the Thanksgiving decor? Probably not. When Christmas time is at its peak, everyone’s homes are enshrined in bright lights that create a wonderful spectacle that can only be witnessed during Yuletide. Thanksgiving lacks the duration that is a staple of the Christmas holiday.
I can’t immerse myself in Thanksgiving (other than stuffing myself and falling into a turkey coma). There’s just not many Thanksgiving themed commodities that a person can take part in. Can you name three Thanksgiving movies? Probably not. Is there a genre of music devoted strictly to Thanksgiving? No, there isn’t.
Christmas music and movies should be enough to beat Thanksgiving anyways. Is there really anything better than snuggling up in your blankets with the fireplace going, sipping on some hot cocoa while “The Polar Express” is playing on the TV? Or you can decorate the tree with your family, while listening to “All I Want for Christmas is You” by Mariah Carey. Both are better than watching “The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.”
I love the purpose of Thanksgiving. It’s a great day to show admiration to your loved ones and to recognize all that you’re grateful for in your life. And what’s better is to show thankfulness to your peers by giving them a token of your appreciation. I’m not talking about a dumb gift card or a pair of socks. When Christmas is done right, and the gifts you bestow upon your family and friends are meaningful, it truly embodies a magic that Thanksgiving falls short of.
Christmas is just unparalleled in its ability to bring joy and happiness to people of all ages. Thanksgiving may bring football games and “friendly” debates with your estranged uncle, but at the end of the day, Christmas just does it better. And it’s a shame. I wish Thanksgiving wasn’t overlooked; I think a lot of good in the world comes out of it. But right now, Santa Claus remains undefeated.
Abraham • Feb 10, 2025 at 2:34 pm
I I like Christmas better than thankgiving because first you get to open presents and you could just get the same food as thanksgivings and also you could do Christmas challenges. With your family and it’s fun
Marge Carrano • Nov 15, 2023 at 5:00 pm
Well said Ben! I love Christmas, the lights and decorations, the Nativity and family, family, family!! It’s the happiest time of the year!!