It has been a dream of mine for quite some time. This has been one of my lifetime goals that I can only achieve at this moment in my life. It will be an experience that will never be forgotten. This incredible episode of my life is going to be my next semester abroad in Florence.
On Jan. 27, I will embark on a journey to the land my forefathers called home. I will be attending Lorenzo de’ Medici School in Florence, Italy, a school with a rich curriculum in Italian art and culture. As an Interactive Digital Design major, (and a potential Fine Arts minor) I will be taking most of my courses in the arts: restoration, sculpture, and mosaics, three of the more difficult, yet popular artistic courses the school provides. I have decided to go on this voyage to Italy myself, and not to be accompanied by any of my closest friends here at Quinnipiac. This experience is something that I truly believe I will appreciate more when alone.
I plan to visit the two places that I consider to be part of my heritage: Sicily and Naples. I have heard both positive and negative stories about both regions, and I need to prepare myself for both periods of my semester abroad. I intend on visiting many other regions of the country as well: Rome, Venice, Sardinia, Milan, Bologna, and Genoa. I also plan on leaving the country to experience the rest that Europe has to offer: Spain, France, Greece, Hungary, Austria and Switzerland.
With all of the fun I plan to have next semester, I will miss much of what makes up my character here at Quinnipiac. I see this semester abroad as a perfect time to reflect on those in my life who I consider to be the most significant and influential.
My involvement with The Chronicle has been nothing but extraordinary. Between the great staff that I work with and the recognition for my efforts as Web Editor, I have felt nothing but inclusion and friendship in the E-Board staff that provides The Chronicle.
My roommates in Village 534 have been nothing but supportive of my efforts to go abroad, as well as remaining close friends as this semester comes to a close. My family at home all plan on visiting me while I am overseas, and that will be an exhilarating experience. I am looking forward to finally be the guide to bring my parents around areas of Italy unfamiliar to them. My three and a half months away will cause much distress and yearning to return back to the one at school who means the most to me. My time in Florence will be an unbelievable experience, but one cannot have their cake and eat it too. I wish nothing but success and happiness for my girlfriend when I am away, for we plan to pick up where we left off upon my return.
As you might not already know, The Chronicle position of Web Editor will remain in my hands for as long as possible.
Therefore, I plan to purchase the programs necessary to continue my duties overseas. The newspaper will still be posted weekly on, and I look forward to returning as your on-campus Web Editor at Quinnipiac in the fall of 2008.