I read with interest your recent opinion piece on Mike Germano’s campaign and subsequent expulsion from Student Government. As the Legislative Councilman who defeated Mike, I would like to say a few words in his defense. While Mike and I disagreed on a number of issues, it should be noted that none of the election complaints from that campaign are against Mike and his “boisterous staff”. The State of Connecticut is however investigating complaints against members of Quinnipiac University’s staff and faculty, including an Assistant
Facilities Director who illegally entered a polling place and recently attempted to intimidate electors in a Town Committee election. I also found it ironic that the staff person who was quoted on the forced resignations, Kerstin Soderlund, is herself the subject of a State investigation for making illegal contributions on Quinnipiac’s behalf, something that violates both Connecticut Election law and Federal Tax law.
Actually, Mike and his staff, led by Campaign Manager Matt Bucci, did a hell of a good job on the campaign. Boisterous campaigning is not a bad thing. In other countries, elections are second to soccer as a national sport, with parades and rallies for even the smallest offices. Our Nation’s lack of passion in politics and elections could be why the US has the lowest voter turnout of any democracy in the world. The Germano campaign didn’t win but the professionalism of their campaign was quite advanced. I am pleased Mr. Bucci has joined the Hamden Democratic Town Committee because it’s important that some of this disconnect in our community be addressed. I have long felt that the students and residents generally have the same issues, primarily the need for a resolution to the housing and parking problems that abound. I believe there should be a forum on the University’s future that brings together residents, students, Quinnipiac administration and Town Government. This forum will hopefully foster some long term planning and shorter term solutions.
While I’m obviously glad Mike didn’t win, does anyone think for a minute that he would be facing these charges if he had won? Hell no! He’d probably be on the cover of the alumni magazine. As for the loud stereo and sophomoric behavior, I am blessed that my elderly neighbor is both extremely tolerant and hard of hearing or I might be in the same boat at times.
Matt Fitch
Hamden Legislative Council, First District