You really cannot appreciate all Quinnipiac offers until you step back and look at the University from a wider perspective.
Working with the undergraduate admissions department has helped to give me a perspective of our campus that I have never really appreciated since I was a perspective student myself.
For starters, the campus scenery is amazing. Standing in the academic quadrangle looking towards the School of Communications offers a different breathtaking perspective of our neighbor – The Sleeping Giant – everytime the weather changes.
Standing in the midst of Pine Grove offeres an amazing perspective of the College of Liberal Arts, as well as, Tator Hall. The art throughout the woods itself for another picture-perfect oppertunity that happens to be located right on our campus.
Next time you walk through there, be sure to stop and take a quick glance at the art, it is quite astonishing.
After taking in the beauty of the campus, do not forget to look at the many academic programs the University has to offer.
As a comunications major, the School of Communications excited me alot.
The television studio, the editing labs, the replica of the newsroom and more make all communications students something to be proud of.
The School of Buisness and The School of Health Sciences also offer amazing services most other universitie and colleges do not offer.
From the ledge of televisions offering the latest informationfrom around the world to some of the best Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy labsmake Quinnipiac a university that is really top notch.
Beyond those buildings, the library is fantastic with all the study rooms lab top hookups and quite nooks to study in.
The Law School on campus really also gives us something that many other colleges do not have- The many speakers who come to utilize the Grand Court Room.
This school year alone, Quinnipiac welcomed two-high profile speakers – one that spoke about his experiences in law and the other who spoke of terrorism and the media.
Beyond just the buildings and the physical attrubutions, this campus offers something that many other colleges simply can not – an amazing staff of professors.
Because there are no teacher assistants and the class sizes are small, the professors can get to know you on a really personal level.
It is really a great feeling to know that the teacher you have loves teaching but that fact that she knows and loves teaching you.
Speaking of the professors and differnt programs on campus, there are many organizations that make this campus great.
From this newspaper, which allows students to write and get thier voices and opions heard, to the political organizations, Greek Life, the radio station, the Yearbook, and the Student Government Association, all the students here are fortunate to have such a diverse selection of ways they could become involved.
So my point is this, Quinnipiac is really a great place no only to go to classesbut to become a part of.
It is still not to late to join many campus clubs and organizations, so if you were afraid that it was, you are wrong.
The Chronicle, for example, is still looking for people to write, copy edit, and help with advertising. If you would like to join our staff, send an e-mail to [email protected] or call x8358.
With so many different oppertunities this campus has to offer, everyone should try and take advantage of them and reach for the stars.