The past week on campus was extremely exciting for the brothers of Tau Kappa Epsilon.
The new members of TKE formally began their new member education period. Throughout the week, the new members began learning about the history of TKE, internationally, as well as on-campus.
Also, the new members have mandatory study hour everyday in the Arnold Bernhard Library. Quality education is one of the main principles that TKE maintains.
Furthermore, TKE principles are found every evening when the brothers of TKE and the new members eat dinner together is the cafeteria.
True brotherhood is built upon the principles that TKE strives for its members to attain. Besides the exciting new member period, TKE has a number of other events for the Quinnipiac community planned.
The Rose Sale was a large success for the chapter. Thanks to the QU community and especially the use of a Q-Card machine, students bought over 1,100 roses. This fund-raiser is very important to the welfare of TKE on campus.
In the next week, TKE will be co-sponsoring the Red Cross’ biannual blood drive on the QU campus. Sign-ups will be held at the table in the hallway between the Student Center and Tator Hall. The blood drive is scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 27 and Wednesday, the 28th.
Last semester, the students of Quinnipiac helped the Red Cross with record number pints of blood collected. TKE is hoping that there will be the same outpouring of students this semester as well.
Later in the semester Eric Garvey, the financial chair, and his committee, will be having other fund-raisers. We hope the student body will become involved.
The brothers of TKE wish to thank all the Quinnipiac community for their support in our on-campus activities.
TKE is also very active in the surrounding area. The brothers will be volunteering at the New Haven soup kitchen, Special Olympics events and a rehabilitation center.
The semester is moving rapidly towards Spring Break and the brothers of TKE are looking forward to it as much as the rest of QU. Brothers are planning on going away to Montreal, Cancun, North Carolina, and Colorado. These are just some of the destinations that will be hosting TKEmembers from Quinnipiac University.
The brothers of TKE and their new members, are very visible on campus. We also wish everyone good luck and continued successes here at QU.
This week in TKE
February 22, 2001
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