Congratulations, you’re a commuter!
Yes, that’s right, I’m talking to each and every one of you juniors out there!
Come August you’ll most likely be settled comfortably into your new apartments, after being booted off campus. For those not lucky enough to find housing, you’ll probably be back home with good ol’ Mom and Dad.
When you drive to class on the first day, your car will be sporting a new sticker, the dreaded “C!” And you’ll be parking in far away uncharted lands!
Seriously though, it’s not so bad. I’ve been driving to classes everyday since my freshman year. I survived.
There are actually a lot of advantages to living off-campus (the preferred term for commuter). For example, you won’t have to walk five miles from your car to your room. You may even get a parking space all of your own.
Also, unless your roommates with Metallica, your room should be a lot quieter than the dorms. Not only will this make sleeping easier, but you’ll have plenty of quiet study time. Put it to good use! Soon that GPA will skyrocket!
The food will also be better, should you keep up with the groceries. I always said that if I lived on campus, I’d be tinier than a twig. Although a lot of aspects of Cafe Q and the Ratt have gotten better, I still wouldn’t be able to swallow that stuff everyday. I give a lot of credit to those of you who do.
At your new place, you’ll hopefully have more than just a microwave. You can cook real food on a real stove! Bye-bye Easy Mac, hello Chef Boyardee! Hey, it’s a step up.
Perhaps the best part of living off-campus is germ control. When a strange epidemic sweeps through the dorms, you won’t have to walk around with a gas mask and a can of lysol.
You won’t be living with hundreds of other students, so germs won’t spread as quickly or easily.
Enjoy the privacy of your own bathroom, without worrying about how others are contaminating it.
Again, this will be a major adjustment for most of you, so I wish you all the best.
Here’s one last piece of advice. Leave your home with plenty of time to spare. The same goes for this year’s commuters. (You thought this year was bad!)
All of you will be battling for a minimal amount of parking spaces. Don’t wait until the last minute. Get here early so you won’t have to stalk people for their spaces.
You’ll be less frazzled, and your professors won’t look at you with daggers in their eyes because you’re late!
Some friendly advice to the class of 2002
February 15, 2001
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