Through the darkness in the far back of the Ratt, past the scrumptious cheesy pizza, over toward the ice cream-filled freezer box and behind the smoothie bar, a light shines from the ceiling onto something new, something delicious. Is it Chipotle? No. Dunkin’ Donuts? No. It is…wait for it…drumroll, please…STARBUCKS. That’s right, the Ratt now sells Starbucks coffee.
Students on the Mount Carmel campus now have the privilege of walking the few steps it takes to get to the Ratt to purchase their very own Starbucks coffee. Although a heated debate exists between Starbucks lovers and Dunkin’ Donuts fans, this accessible machine will make all coffee-lovers happy. No longer do you have to drive or take the dreaded walk to buy Dunkin’ Donuts coffee. And forget about ordering in.
In addition to its convenience, the new coffee machine also comes with variety. It serves both hot and cold drinks with choices of regular and decaf coffee, espresso, lattes and cappuccinos. Currently, the two most popular drinks are the vanilla latte and the caramel macchiato. Whether you need a fast shot of caffeine or are pulling an all-nighter, you are able to do so with the 12 ounce and 16 ounce cup sizes of deliciousness. These drinks, priced around $4, may be a bit more expensive than the bottled ones offered in Café Q, but it’s worth it. Quinnipiac students can finally say we have Starbucks on campus. Now all we need is a Dunkin’.