So you think you can play woman’s lacrosse huh? Well even though we make it look effortless and graceful, it’s not as easy as the ABC’s … Check it out!
Attack- “defense wins games, attack sells tickets,” but they are also important in winning.
Becca- the greatest coach who saved our team when we thought there was no hope left.
Check- the 2 satisfying way of getting the ball from the other team is to “whack their stick.”
Defense- Yeah big D! Their job is to protect the goalie and defend our home.
Effort- Cannot play well unless you are a “full time player” and you give it all you have.
Fun- no sport should be played without fun. It’s what keeps all athletes going.
Ground balls- Butts down to the ground to get the dropped passes and you will win.
Heart- Can play without it, but it will show in your performance. Heart wins games.
Intercept- Read the other teams passes and jump in at the right time. No better feeling.
Jersey- Great shirts we got with the American flag on the neck, so we can win in style.
Kilt- Why is it again that we still play in skirts? Maybe that’s how we get more fans.
Love- For the game, for your team, and for your coaches!
Megan- Our one and only goalie. No words express how grateful our team is to have her.
Never give up- if you doubt your team you have already lost the game. Play till the end.
Out Smart- Don’t always try fancy things, sometimes you can out smart with basic skill.
Plays- Always helps on attack to get a goal at a crucial time. It’s beautiful when it works.
Quinnipiac- “and the home of the Braves”-not anymore, but the song is still catchy.
Respect-Your coaches, and of course the officials. They hold the game in their hands.
Steph- Best assistant coach in the nation, who saw us through some rough times.
Talk- Defense is not complete without big mouths. Communication is key.
United- Work as one unit to beat your opponent as a team, not as an individual.
Versatile- Be able to play any position on the field, and you will bring more to the team.
Wheels- Speed is key. Out run your opponent and a win will be right at your feet.
X-ray- Don’t want one. Stay healthy and don’t break anything, for example your nose.
You- There is no I in team but there is a ME … work hard for yourself and your team.
Zone-Type of defense that we have pretty much mastered. And once again “Yeah big D”
The ABC’s of the Women’s lacrosse Team
April 10, 2002
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