Welcome back seniors!
I hope by now you are all settled in and getting used to your new living arrangements.
We’ve all been griping about how the school turned its back on us the day it announced we are no longer allowed to live on campus for our last year.
And I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not too keen on having to get up early in the morning so I can get a parking spot instead of rolling out of bed and running to class.
I still can’t decide whether or not I like the idea of having to cook my own meals – although, to be honest, I have only been home two nights to eat a family dinner with my roommates since we’ve been back.
This “brown-bagging” it thing is taking time to get used to. I love my roommates for cooking for me and for understanding when I don’t get home until 9 p.m.
But, you know what, I decided that what happened to us is a blessing in disguise.
The school has given us the opportunity to venture out into the `real world’ before we actually get there. I know that it doesn’t make much sense now, but if you think about it, this will help us out more than anything we learn at Quinnipiac.
In the next couple of months, we will perfect the art of paying bills on time, the responsbilty of getting up early enough to go to class, and even feeding ourselves instead of running to the caf
Pefecting the art of responsibility
September 6, 2001
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