Make the most of college every day
November 17, 2021

Where were you a year ago?
Not a single person wants to remember how difficult the last year and a half was for them, but try to think back. I know I was struggling, upset that my college experience was not all that I wanted it to be. I know I put on more weight in the fall after dropping much of it over summer’s quarantine — which bothered me. I definitely remember the different yellow, orange and red alert statuses as COVID-19 crawled like a spider over Quinnipiac University.
All of that bothered the heck out of me. It was miserable, but a year later, perspective is beginning to set in.
Last year, Quinnipiac still offered hybrid classes. Students still walked across the Quad. Roommates still hung around, flipping book pages while tossing a ping pong ball simultaneously. It wasn’t what college was sold as, but it was something.
Now, it becomes more evident than ever that the pandemic fortified our inner strength. With Thanksgiving on the horizon, perspective is something that every Quinnipiac student should consider.
Take masks, for example. I wrote an opinion article over the summer about how I believed mandated masks were unnecessary when the COVID-19 vaccine was required for every student. I stand by that point, but I’ve come to realize that complaining about the little things is not a productive way to manage your emotions amid a stressful college lifestyle.
After all, students have enough on their plate — easing it feels like scooping water out of the ocean with a toy bucket.
With this new state of mind, I challenge you to think beyond yourself. When your day starts to spiral, realize these should be the best days of your life.
There may be better days ahead, but college is a wealth of individualism, freedom and growth. Rarely will the three ever coincide again more than they will right here and now. You owe it to yourself to make each day better than the last.
As a notoriously pessimistic person, not everything will break my way. It’s a growing point, but I’ve come to the realization that my mistakes and screw-ups should not ruin my day or week. Avoiding spiraling is an important way to keep yourself afloat.
It’s not easy to take a step back when something goes wrong, particularly with big decisions or projects that took
a lot of investment. But again, capitalizing on the college years means putting the bad moments in the rearview mirror. After talking to my older brother, who graduated from Rochester Institute of Technology a few years back, he shared some wisdom only an older sibling could pass down.
These days of freedom — surrounded by friends — are, in a way, numbered. Experiencing all you can and living to the fullest is the best way to make that expensive tuition worth it.
If you are struggling, seek help. The counselors at Quinnipiac can be a good resource, of which you can find contacts on the university website. But don’t let the daily, nitty-gritty grind lead you to bury your head in a pillow for the night. You have people to see, memories to make and experiences to conquer.
So as we Bobcats head into Thanksgiving break, breaking bread and eating turkey over the dinner table, be thankful. Recognize how far you have come and appreciate every step you have along the way.