Students react to Quinnipiac’s first positive COVID-19 case

Kalleen Rose Ozanic, Associate News Editor

Quinnipiac University students are concerned after a commuter student marks Quinnipiac’s first positive COVID-19 case, according to a Sept. 18 email  from Dr. David Hill, senior medical advisor to the university’s COVID-19 task force.

Contact tracing is underway in alignment with Quinnipiack Valley Health District and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines, according to the email.

Hill said in the email that individuals within six feet of the infected student for at least 15 minutes should expect to receive a call from contact tracers.

Being approached by contact tracers, or lack thereof, is a concern for students as well.

“I really hope (the student has) their tracking app up to par,” said Aidan Schmid, a sophomore software engineering major. “I kind of wish we had a name, but I also understand how confidential it has to be. I kind of wish they would release their classes and stuff. Because (Hill) said they would be in contact with people but they didn’t say who it was, if it’s actually safe or not.”

In the email, Hill advised students to remain safe and responsible in the “Bobcat Bubble,” to check the COVID-19 testing dashboard regularly and to continue to use the symptom checker app daily.

The student is asymptomatic and self-isolating at home with their family, Hill said in the email.

This is the first positive case among the 9,968 tests administered since Aug. 5, at Quinnipiac, per Hill in the email.

“If we’re testing this many people, it was bound to happen at some point,” said Joseph Breen, a sophomore accounting major. “The important thing right now is all the procedures we put into place before we came to campus are really adhered to and that should minimize the amount of additional cases we have going forward.”