It’s that time of the semester again. All we want to do is lie in bed and watch Netflix instead of walking to the library to finish homework. Here are some tips for you to get over it and finish this semester successfully for you to get over the ‘Mid-Semester Rut’ successfully.
Get sleep
One reason why we are all in this rut is because we are all over-tired from staying up late and overworking ourselves late at night. A typical college student needs about eight hours of sleep, according to a study done at Stanford University. Therefore, it is a smart idea to start going to bed earlier to make ourselves feel better and more motivated to get our work done the next day.
Be active
It is proven that working out also energizes you and makes yourself feel better. Another way to get out of this mid semester rut is to start working out once or a few times a week. It will help you release any stress you have and then will also motivate you to go back and study some more. If for any reason you cannot go to the gym, exercises like crunches, planks, wall sits and squats are easy exercises to do in your dorm room on your own schedule!
Alone time
Although doing well in your classes is important, it is also necessary for you to have time to make yourself happy. So, everyday amidst the homework, spend time with friends or just yourself, whether it is stopping at Starbucks or hanging out in your dorm. It will make you happy and help you relax.
Eat healthy
The foods we eat also play a part in how we feel on a daily basis. It is proven that if we eat junk food daily, we feel tired and unmotivated. Therefore, one way of getting ourselves out of this rut is to eat healthier. So instead of grabbing the chicken tenders for lunch everyday. It may be a better option to get a salad or soup every once in awhile instead. Make smarter choices and you will feel more energized and ready to conquer your homework.