In an effort to address student demand, Chartwells has made some changes to the cafeteria on main campus.
Chartwells said it recently conducted a survey of students and based on the information gathered from it, the food service decided to make some changes to satisfy students’ requests.
Students received an email on March 18 and Chartwells posted signs in the cafeteria about changes students could expect at the Cafe Q. Among these changes were: Sono, a new Latin Cuisine station; improvements to the salad bar; Rooted, a new vegetarian station; a new ordering system at BYOB; and Create, an all-day smoothie bar.
There will also be some changes made to the cafe on York Hill, including pre-prepared ingredients for a two-person meal that students can then cook in their own kitchens, improvements to the Wild Greens salad bar, and a section where students can buy produce and other products to keep their own kitchens stocked.
“These changes and additions have been well received by the Quinnipiac Community,” Associate Director of Dining Services Leean Spalding said in an email.
Student Government Association Vice President Carly Hviding said in a statement she heard a lot of positive reactions to the recent changes.
“I’ve heard a lot of positive feedback from students about the recent changes in the cafe, specifically in Café Q,” Hviding said. “The students especially love the all-day smoothie bar and some of the new, healthier options. The new layout and updated shelving looks great, too.”
Freshman Natalie Hardiman said she likes the changes, but not the way the cafeteria is organized.
“I think the changes are a good idea,” Hardiman said. “But I feel as though everything is very disorganized right now and they need a better system to get it working.”
Jenny Enfield, a sophomore public relations major, said she is not satisfied with the switch ups in the cafe.
“So far I haven’t used any of the new things [at the Cafe]. I think Chartwells is disgusting overall and I think that the change should be to get a new catering company.”
For some students, the change they are waiting to see in the Cafe Q is extended hours. The Cafe Q is currently open until 9 p.m. Monday through Thursday and until 7 p.m. Friday through Sunday, with each station within the cafeteria operating on its own schedule.
“For the fall [of 2016], I think that they should just change the dining hours all together,” Hardiman said. “For example, have every station be open from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. instead of some closing earlier than the actual cafe closes.”
Freshman Maura Scully felt similarly about the hours of the cafeteria, but she said the current changes are an improvement.
“I think the dining hall could have better hours,” Scully said. “The changes are definitely a step in the right direction and I think they’re taking into account what we want to see, but there is still more work that’s needed.”
But these changes aren’t the end, according to Spalding. She said there are more plans still in the works to be approved.
“Campus Dining will present a comprehensive vision plan with medium and long-term goals to the university at the end of April,” Spalding said. “When the initiatives have been approved they will be shared with the Quinnipiac community.”