This year, the self-proclaimed “concert tour” that is Barstool Blackout took place on Sept. 11, one of the nation’s most hallowed dates since terrorists attacks on that day 13 years ago.
The Barstool Facebook page describes itself as “an absolute orgy of sounds and lights for all your senses.” As if that doesn’t sound vulgar enough, we all know what it really promotes–binge drinking.
I can’t tell you how many groups of students I passed last Thursday night, absolutely obliterated. Barstool is indirectly telling attendees that they need to be extremely intoxicated to have a good time, and that core value of the tour is made even worse by the date Barstool chose to hold its event this year.
“I understand they have to stick to a date, but are you kidding me?” junior Kathleen Duffy said. “It’s not just a day anymore, so they kind of have to respect that.”
I personally would feel wrong going out on a day that is so important to the nation as a whole. 9/11 is a day of remembrance, a day to honor those men and women who lost their lives or risked theirs to save others. It is a national day of mourning and celebration of how far this nation has come.
I’m not bashing the students who went to Barstool; I’m bashing the tour for being so ignorant and immoral. Hopefully next year the Barstool Blackout Tour will choose its dates with a little more self-awareness and respect.