On Saturday evening the event known as #QUemailchain2013 took over. It all started at 7:20 p.m., with an email in which students who dubbed themselves the “future starter of the Quinnipiac Basketball team” and “the future of Quinnipiac” invited students who hadn’t gone away for Easter weekend to a party, with very limited detail. Then, all hell broke loose in the form of 135 emails in a two-hour time span.

What makes it a wreck? For starters, it lacked originality. A student at N.Y.U. had already pulled the same stunt five months earlier, except to a student body of 40,000-plus, a.k.a. a small city. Also, the highlight of the email chain was one student’s quest to find his non-existent pet caribou named Mr. Whiskers. And, even though this was a moment for students to reach the entire student body, most of the participants added predictable comments to the chain like “YOLO once,” “BRICK SQUAAAD,” “Strawberries are packed with fiber,” and one girl’s shameless plug of her Snapchat.
I know jokes, I know corny, and I know stupid. I can laugh and appreciate all three. But clogging up my email is not the way to go about it. The great Andy Warhol once said, “In the future, everyone will be world famous for 15 minutes.” So congratulations to those three members of the sophomore class; interesting way to spend your 15.