Quinnipiac University prides itself on being a College of Liberal Arts. I do not know about any of you, but when I think of the words, “Liberal Arts” I think of a school with an overabundance of English and art programs. Even though QU is doing a great job generating a wide variety of literature classes, it is lacking when it comes to the art aspect. When speaking of the word art, I am talking about theater, photography, art, music, and dancing classes. These are the things that truly make a college of Liberal Arts and things the University is not allowing to grow.
When I came to this school as a freshman, this program was almost non-existent, but now has become something that this university should be proud of and something that Quinnipiac should expand. But, the program is at a stand still at this moment in time. Due to the lack of space and the lack of resources on this campus, the art programs can not expand.
This university needs to realize that there is an abundance of talent that walks around the school each and everyday. People like David Brand and Allison Clark, who went to a national competition because of their amazing acting abilities; people like Kevin Daly who is one of the most intense actors I have ever seen and also one of the most creative writers I have ever encountered; people like Shawn Grindle who have acted in every single main stage play since coming to Quinnipiac and helped make Forth Wall a well-known group, contribute to the growth of this program and the gives other in the program something to strive for.
Many of you are thinking at this point that the school does have a theater. I agree Buckman is a great place when it comes to lectures and little concerts, but not for main stage theater. The heads of this university need to realize I recognize Buckman as a great addition to this campus, but it is not a place where the arts can truly thrive. There are many things that are wrong with this facility.
Many people use Buckman. Everyone from speakers, to Fidelio, to SPB, to the theater groups use it for practices and events. This makes it harder for people to get rehearsal times as well as actual show times. Because so many people use this space it is very difficult for the theater program to build a stationary set and usually have to import the set in the day before the show and dismantle it if another event needs Buckman before any of their performances.
This is a very inefficient way for the program to run. The actors and actresses who are in the performances need to be able to rehearse in the place they will be performing. By making them take down their set, they are putting a damper onto the show and the rehearsal time, therefore making it harder for the people involved.
Over the last few years, the theater program has been making a massive movement in the way of excellence. “The Antigone Project”, their spring show last year, was not only shown in Buckman, but Quinnipiac made it possible for them to also move the performance to The Long Warf Theater for a small run. One must realize this was done because the actors and the actresses gave such a powerful performance that was covered in local publications.
This spring semester, the main stage performers are performing “The Troubles of Romeo and Juliet”. Because of the space limitations, the production is going to be held at The Long Warf Theater.
Even though this may be a good opportunity for the students because they are going to be working in a professional theater and it is also a good opportunity for the theater program because it shows how good of a program we have became since it is being recognized by a regional theatre, it is very unfortunate that these talented, confident, and inspiring students must leave campus in order to perform in a real theater. This is a definite problem and people at this university need to open their eyes and recognize it.
This university is lacking when it comes to the arts and people’s dedication to the arts programs. Most universities our size not only have a main stage theater, but a black box theater, scene shop and an art gallery.
Most universities our size have a solid place where there performers can work, a place to call their own, an actual theater to show off the many hours of work that each one of them puts into their craft.
This university needs to step out of the box and realize the theater students need their own theater.
By holding back the arts program, this university is holding back its own growth as a whole. College is a place to experience life, to gain knowledge and learn about our culture.
By stopping the growth of the arts program at Quinnipiac, the university is stopping the education of the students who attend this institution.