For large portions of Sunday and Monday, a security car that sits in front of the Crescent was empty. According to York Hill students, the only noticeable security presence were officers making frequent trips to the parking lot to write citations.
“It’s very frustrating,” Student Government Liaison to Security Ben Wald said. “We’ve made so much progress,”
The progress that Wald is referring to is the increase in security officers at York Hill that came on the heels of much criticism from students, including Student Government.
“There’s just a guard that comes back every hour or so to give a few parking tickets,” Wald said. “That sends the message that tickets are more important than students.”
Wald received many complaints from students that no one was in the security car on Sunday. The complaints came in all day from 8 a.m. until 10 p.m.
Among the changes that were made by security this year was the addition of a security officer at the front of the York Hill parking garage. But some students think this change came at the expense of security at the Crescent.
“It doesn’t make sense that they are a pain in the ass at the parking garage then leave no security up in front of the building,” junior Victor Nieves said.
Fellow junior Justin Schneider agreed.
“If there is supposed to be a security guard in the car he should be there,” he said. “If it’s just there for no reason that is stupid.”
Quinnipiac security had made no comment on this story as of Tuesday. Chief of Security John Twining told Wald that he would look into the matter.
“This is insulting to residents of York Hill,” Wald said. “Would anyone dare suggest the New Road entrance be left unstaffed for 12 hours?”
Wald plans to bring the subject up for discussion during Open Forum of the SGA meeting today.
He also developed and distributed a survey to undergraduates on behalf of student awareness committee. He said senior administrators have been responsive and fully on board with the survey. The results will be released to undergraduates next semester in The Chronicle.