If it was not for the yellow and blue “spirit week” banner hanging in the middle of campus, many Quinnipiac students would not know it’s spirit week. This issue may not matter to some, but it hits closer to home with members of organizations like the Student Programming Board.
Julianne Gardner, SPB’s novelty and week chair member, said SPB seeks to motivate students to get involved in programming. The organization tries to use the student voice to plan and provide entertaining events such as spirit week. This three-year-old tradition requires numerous hours of planning, but shows little turnout.
Fliers for Wednesday night’s “The Clash of the Classes” competition in Burt Kahn Court could be seen all over campus.
“We had extra fliers for this event but there is only so much you can do, it’s up to the students to come out,” Gardner said.
The night was supposed to focus on class spirit by having different competitive obstacles with the winning class receiving a prize. Instead, Burt Khan was left mostly empty except for scattered SPB members, a few students and a group of older men partaking in a karate class that was relocated to the open space.
“SPB does a lot of work to plan these events and they are great ideas,” junior and SPB member Katie Blakeslee said. “I feel bad that a lot of people on campus are missing out.”
The lack of attendance at these programs that are trying to bring students together was said by other SPB members to be especially disappointing during a week that is supposed to stand out and be more fun than the rest.
“To me it feels like it’s kind of a publicity stunt to make sure perspective students see that we are a united front,” sophomore Tamar Aroyan said. “It says it’s spirit week everywhere, even on the lunch table toppers but nowhere does it say what that entails. There wasn’t enough publicity about it. No one really knows what it is. There were emails sent out but who really checks their email? It just floods their inboxes until it gets deleted.”
SPB members expect a better turnout for future events and refuse to give up on their spirit and desire to motivate students.
“Spirit week has been a little bit of a disappointment but as long as the people at the event have fun, no matter how many people show up, that is what SPB is about,” sophomore and SPB member Jenna Mojkowski said. “The quality of the time people have when they are at our events is what matters most to us.”