At any point during the day, there are frustrated students standing outside the shuttle stop to obtain one of the few coveted seats on the bus to the recently developed York Hill campus. And these students were more than willing to discuss their opinions of Quinnipiac University’s new living quarters.
“All I heard about for months was this brand new campus and lots of hype about it, and then it turned out to be such a disappointment,” said Keighly Rector, a junior.
She said the bathroom is “awkwardly-sized” and the kitchen sink hardly fits a single dish. Rector lives on the York Hill campus with five other Quinnipiac students who are unable to fit in the living room at the same time, which, as many students said, is “even smaller than those in Mountainview.”
A glaring problem for students, especially those in floors 1-4, is spotty cell phone reception. Quinnipiac told students at York Hill last week that they are looking at possible solutions, with the major trouble being a solution for all major carriers.
A junior living on the York Hill campus is more annoyed with the shuttle system than anything else. A chorus of agreement rang through the shuttle stop when she said so. She also mentioned that the lack of living room space was a problem.
President John Lahey boasts on the University’s Web site that the York Hill campus is “one of the most environmentally friendly campuses in America.” According to the site, the new campus will soon feature 1,232 solar panels and 42 vertical-access wind turbines to help the school in its “green endeavor” and to aid in the housing of an estimated 2,000 students. However, many students have a different take on the still-under construction campus and how the initiatives put forth by the administration are subsequently ruining the other aspects of housing on York Hill.
A 2008 article published in the Yale Daily News states that “authorities” at Quinnipiac plan that “by 2011, almost 2,000 students will be moved out of Hamden and onto York Hill, eliminating the need for housing lotteries for a spot on campus.”
Another student commented that she couldn’t understand how the University expected to house so many students at York Hill when there seemed to be “such a negative reaction” to its premiere, and that many people she knew would, at this point, rather be living back in the Mount Carmel campus housing.