A Budweiser truck backed into a Quinnipiac shuttle going from York Hill to the Mount Carmel campus Tuesday morning, cracking part of the shuttle’s windshield and hitting the right rearview mirror. The small accident delayed students 35 minutes, according to junior Stephanie Osmanski, a student on the shuttle.
According to Ryan Subhan, another bus passenger, it was the Budweiser truck driver’s fault.

The shuttle turned onto Avenue Whitney and the Budweiser truck was in front, Subhan said, and stopped as if the driver was going to back in and turn into Dixwell Avenue. However, the truck driver suddenly swung across the two lanes. The shuttle driver hit the breaks and stopped.
The truck driver started backing in and got really close to the shuttle, Subhan said, stopped for a second, then the shuttle driver beeped the horn and yelled, “Look out!” He looked at her, kept backing up, and then hit the shuttle.
The truck driver then pulled forward and continued to try to back in, hitting the shuttle’s side mirror and denting the Budweiser truck.
“It wasn’t that bad,” Subhan said. “We had to wait for Hamden police and QU security and they wouldn’t let us leave. There was a big process that didn’t need to happen, it was [the truck driver’s] fault.”
Although four other shuttles drove past the accident, students weren’t allowed to leave the site, Subhan said.