Eastview:According to a press release issued by the university, Eastview completes the residential area on the York Hill campus and features more single rooms and private bathrooms than any other residence hall at
Quinnipiac. It consists of 34 apartment-style dorms, which include a kitchen, living room, and two bathrooms each.
Why it’s good: Eastview is one of the few on-campus living options that offers air conditioning. It is also located much closer than Crescent to the parking garage and Rocky Top Student Center. The kitchen and common room areas have a considerably larger amount of space than they do in Crescent.
Q-card:Don’t judge your Q-card by its cover. They may look the same as last year’s, but all students were issued new Q-cards during move in which have a FeliCa chip installed in the plastic. According to John Meriano,

associate vice president for administrative services, the chip allows a “simple tap” for the current locations that have the FeliCa readers. The new system is Windows-based, which is an improvement from the old system, Meriano said. The old system had been in place since 2000 and had limitations in reporting capabilities and “networkability.”
For replacement, the cards will now cost $30.
“The cost of $20 has been in place since 1986 and we felt that with the upgrade and the additional cost of the FeliCa technology the increase was merited,” Meriano said.
Why it’s good: This should be a timesaver for exterior door access, cash registers, and eventually all readers on campus. The system also allows the acceptance of credit cards at all dining locations, which should start by Oct. 1.
Dining Halls: New touchscreen registers have been installed in the dining halls on all three campuses. According to Leann Spalding, associate director of dining services, the old registers had become outdated.
Why they are good: According to Spalding, every single item is in the register. That means the cashiers just need to find the item; they don’t need to look at the price and portion book or memorize the prices. This helps transactions be more accurate. Once FeliCa chip readers are installed, the transactions will be able to be completed with just a tap of a Q-card.
Rocky Top Student Center Health Services: Opened: Monday

Location: First floor of Rocky Top Student Center
Hours: Registered nurses are available from noon to 8 p.m. during the academic year.
Physician’s Assistant Hours: By appointment only
Why it’s good: York Hill residents no longer have to go down to Mount Carmel for: acute medical care, diagnostic procedures, speciality referrals and health profile maintenance.