Tired of actually working for a hookup? Thanks to the new website “QU Hookup List,” the whole process could be easier for seniors who only have a few weeks left to get some.
“People really like it,” said ‘The Hookup Samaritan,’ the creator of the website. “If the QU Hookup List was a person, people would totally hook up with it.”
To visit the site, enter “quhookuplist.com” into your browser. If you’re a senior, you can submit your Quinnipiac email address for a password to access the site. From there, you can create a list of the individuals you’d want to “hook up” with. According to the website, the information each user enters is completely anonymous unless a match is made. In the case of a match, you are both sent an email, but you’re on your own from there.
“It’s a large scale operation,” the Samaritan said. “We’ve got analysts, beta-testers, and guys and girls to hook up. We’re going all out. Or in.”
The website targets Quinnipiac seniors, and is meant to be used for the upcoming Senior Week.
“It’s the perfect icebreaker,” senior Aris Mantopoulos said. “Senior Week is everyone’s last hoorah to hook up with the person they wanted to hook up with the last four years but never got a chance to for whatever reason.”
While some find the site to be clever, others don’t think as highly of it.
“I thought it was hilarious,” senior Kasey Costa said. “However, I don’t trust the site and would never do it. If you want to hook up with someone, I should hope you don’t need a website to help you with that.”
When asked about his inspiration for the site, the Samaritan said it came as a stroke of genius.
“I had this eureka moment on the bench at Aunchie’s,” the Samaritan said. “Yes, I was dancing. I noticed lots of drunk people not hooking up, and I said to myself, ‘They should be hooking up.’”
While not providing any specific numbers, the Samaritan claimed the site has been a hit, and to get ready come Senior Week.
“Let’s just say Senior Week is going to be very interesting,” the Samaritan said.