Following a Westchester arrest, 20 Quinnipiac students were discovered to have purchased fake licenses tied to Daniel Capossela, 19, of White Plains, N.Y., according to a Friday release.
A majority of the fake IDs were recovered when Westchester County Police visited the Mount Carmel campus on Thursday, the release said. No Quinnipiac students were charged.
Capossela was arrested last month on charges of second degree forgery, criminal possession of a forged instrument, and criminal possession of forgery devices. Police seized computers, a sophisticated printer, and blank cards in Capossela’s home. A forensics department later identified that 60 out-of-state, counterfeit driver’s licenses were created, 20 of which were purchased by Quinnipiac students.
According to the release, students provided photographs and, in most cases, their real names to Capossela.

“We believe at this time that these licenses were only sold to persons under age 21 who wanted them to purchase alcohol, however, we are working with local and federal authorities to ensure there are no ties to terrorism,” Public Safety Commissioner George N. Longworth said.
According to a Quinnipiac student who purchased one of Capossela’s fake licenses, Westchester police had the student (who wished to remain anonymous) write a statement describing where, when and how they purchased the license.
Criminal charges can be avoided by returning the fake licenses to Westchester County Police, Longworth said.
“Now is the time to turn these licenses in without fear of arrest,” Longworth said. “Our goal right now is solely to take these licenses out of circulation.”
AV • Feb 21, 2011 at 1:20 pm
High comedy.
Marcin Mazurek • Feb 21, 2011 at 1:05 pm
Funny though, that none of these fake IDs were caught in New Haven. /sarcasm
lawabidingcitizen • Feb 21, 2011 at 1:02 pm
At least they weren’t charged, thank god QU doesn’t treat underage drinking like they do cannabis.
bobjohn • Feb 21, 2011 at 12:42 pm
This is good use of taxpayer money and police time…