All year we’ve had the pleasure of reading AJ Atchue’s political opinion column and the guest articles. I look forward to more of the same next year!
I also look forward to working closely with students, in the classroom and out, to develop interpretation and opinion about a variety of topics. In the fall, the University Honors Program, along with other groups on campus, will sponsor weekly Friday Forums in which we will discuss important issues of local, national, and global importance.
The goal is to learn from each other-we can develop our knowledge base, and our ability to discuss complex issues. We also can brainstorm and work together to better understand the world around us.
The sessions are open to all majors here at Quinnipiac and can include all members of the campus community, including both students and faculty. Most of the forums will be held in Mancheski Seminar Room.
Please come to share and develop your own political and social positions on a variety of issues, such as the following:
How are Americans viewed in the world?
Is the government doing enough to fix the problems from Hurricane Katrina?
What kinds of alternative spring breaks should students participate in?
What can Quinnipiac University students do to improve the relationship between Hamden and the University?
These programs will be held on Fridays at 5 p.m., and will include food and social time as well as stimulating intellectual discussion and debate. The first forum will take place on Friday, September 1, with a topic yet to be determined.
The University Honors Program invites you to let us know if you have any suggestions for topics, and to participate in the programs in the fall. If you have any comments, or would like to suggest a speaker, please email [email protected].