Special to The Chronicle: Every week, about half a dozen viruses enter Quinnipiac University’s computer network, slowing the system and degrading performance of applications and services. These viruses do not come from attackers outside the network, which is well protected by firewalls, but from users within who log onto the network with infected machines.
To protect users and to improve network performance, Information Services will launch a network management system at Quinnipiac University on Monday, March 14. This system, called “Computer Checkup Service,” will test machines as users log onto the network for (1) viruses and (2) current anti-virus and Windows update protections. CCS will also test for resistant viruses that require special removal at the Computer Help Desk. Computers that have protections in place and are free of viruses will operate normally on login. A computer that is infected or does not have current anti-virus and Windows update protections in place will be “quarantined.” That is, CCS will disable most access to the network for that machine and will give directions on how to fix the problem.
Beginning on Thursday, March 10, before the Computer Checkup Service goes into effect, most network users will see a “pop-up” window on login that advises whether their machines are free of viruses and have current Symantec antivirus and Windows update protections. If a student’s machine needs attention, she will urged to install or update Symantec AntiVirus and update Windows. If, after taking these measures, the computer is still infected, students will be advised to submit a Help Desk Request form using the link at the Quinnipiac Computer Help Desk page. The link to the request form is: http://helpdesk.quinnipiac.edu/request
David Vance is the manager of Information Services communications at Quinnipiac.