I had just graduated high school when I first received information about a new freshman seminar being offered at Quinnipiac. The seminar, QU101: The Individual and Community, was designed to introduce freshmen to the college experience through a classroom seminar. To amplify the community aspect of the seminar all those invited into the program would be living in Irma.
As the semester draws to a close I am now able to reflect on the course. The course was being taught by professors from all different departments and each was to follow the curriculum, while at the same time bring their own specialties to the course. Originally, I thought this class would be easy core curriculum credits, with little to no work outside of class discussions. However, I was wrong in my assumptions, and after the first week of classes realized that this course was very important to my professor. I received more work in this class for the semester than almost all of my other classes combined.
Our class covered a wide variety of readings that included “The Laramie Project,” by Mois
QU 101: A new freshman experience
December 15, 2004
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