In this time of war, no one knows who will win or lose. No one knows what lenghts each side will go to. The only thing we know is that nothing will ever be the same.
The war we are undergoing will have major effects in all areas of our known livelihood. Everything from the media to our economy will be touched by the war effort.
So far, the war against Iraq has been a turning point for the media. This is unquestionably the most interactive and most intense real time reporting in the history of warfare.
“This is a living room war. We are watching the war in real time,” said Liam O’Brian, associate professor of Media Production. “It is the first time where our journalists have been embedded into the military system.”
Everyday, hundreds of journalists are sent to the front lines to actively report on actions they are viewing first hand.
“There is a symbiotic relationship occurring between the journalist and the military,” said O’Brian. “It is amazing because the journalists do all the editing in their heads since they are on a live feed.”
This live feed seems to intoxicate the viewing public more and more as the troops move closer to Baghdad.
“It will be very interesting to see if the military will still let the journalist report when they get to Baghdad,” said O’Brian. “It would be amazing to get those real reports from the battlefield.”
But, there is a downside to real time reporting.
O’Brian mentioned the fact that if things start to get bad, then people will want to pull the feed altogether, and valuable information will be lost.
“People should be informed if things are going good or if things start to turn around,” said O’Brian. “But who knows if they will still let the journalists report.”
Others think real time reporting is putting a damper on how people view the war as a whole.
“We are treating the war, like the weather channel treats their storms,” said Russell Barclay, associate professor of Mass Communications. “Like just another thing to turn into a mini series.”
Even in the long run, people will not stop hearing about the war. This will not only turn into the newest reality programming, but probably a new Hollywood trend.
“There will be hero’s in this war,” said O’Brian. “Hollywood loves hero’s. I would not be surprised it there are many movies made about it.”
Through watching television, Americans can also see how other countries are reacting to the war. In many cases, there has been a negative reaction.
“The world is clearly not happy about this war,” said O’Brian. “This war will change how we are perceived in the future.
O’Brian said that most people will view this conflict in terms of the Christians going against the Muslims, or as the American colonizers extending their imperial goal.
“The final action that will tell us how we will be perceived by the world is how we take Baghdad. If we kill many people there, then we have a problem,” said O’Brian. “We have a lot of work ahead of us to reunite the world.”
With all the negative connotations floating about, one of the major worries is traveling, although many people refuse to change their habits and claim they feel secure.
“The vast majority of people will look past the country and look to the person,” said O’Brian. “I just wouldn’t go around wearing an I love Bush pin on my shirt.”
Others think there will be turbulence in the traveling world.
“There may be a huge drop in International travel over the next few months and into the summer if the war goes on,” said Professor Sean Duffy, Assistant Professor of Political Science. “I don’t think there will be any violence, but Americans will definitely be questioned.”
But both sides admit that no one should be traveling to Africa or the Middle East at this moment in time.
“It is unsafe to travel to such areas,” said O’Brian. “There is American hostility.”
Even within the United States itself, there is hostility about the war.
O’Brian asserts that no other war started with the nation so divided.
“Our nation’s pride will depend on who wins the war,” said O’Brian.
People all over are protesting the war, but others want to go and fight and liberate Iraq, a move they say will enhance America’s pride.
“We can liberate Iraq,” said O’Brian. “But we should ask ourselves does Iraq want to be liberated.”
With mixed messages of war going around, many aren’t really sure what we are fighting for.
“I think we are fighting for oil,” said Duffy. “We may not be using much now, but we need something to fall back on in the future.”
One thing, which seems constant, are people’s mixed feelings about President Bush. While many support him and his international efforts, he is constantly facing ardent opposition.
“People hate Bush all over the world and in America,” said O’Brian. “That will not change no matter the outcome.”
But one long-standing affect will be hurting people all over the nation; the economic toll will hit America when the war comes to an end.
“This war will be very expensive,” said O’Brian. “The question we should be asking ourselves is how are we going to maintain stability in American, pay for a war, and help reconstruct Iraq if we win.”
As of now, our national economy is already weak. Many people are without work and are experiencing economic instability. It will only get worse as the massive expense of international warfare further burdens the federal treasury.
“Taxes will go up, lots of businesses and jobs will be lost,” said O’Brian. “The next two to three years after the war should be rocky times.”
But one thing is for sure, this war is touching every aspect of every person’s life and no one can know the full effect of its outcome.
“Only time will tell the true outcome of the actions we are undertaking,” said O’Brian.