Austin Ashe and Dan Quinn, members of the Senior Week committee, closed the Senior Week table in Tator Hall last Friday as they reached the capacity limit of 520 graduating seniors that signed up for the week celebration scheduled in May.
As the last spot for Senior Week was filled, only five additional seniors signed the waiting list that was provided at the Senior Week table.
The waiting list will still be available in the Carl Hansen Student Center office each week for additional seniors who are interested in the event. Committee members ask seniors to leave their name and e-mail address to be contacted at a later time. Seniors are also encouraged to read their e-mail on a weekly basis for updates about Senior Week.
During last Friday’s Senior Week meeting, co-coordinators Ashe and Felicity Melillo addressed the need to finalize the two remaining event locations for Senior Week, including activities planned at the event, transportation to and from the event, food, drinks and decorations.
Committee members agreed to the event idea and location for the Wednesday and Thursday of Senior Week. Event managers for these two days will be negotiating prices to fit the given budget, and they will attempt to finalize their event.
Event managers will report back to the committee for this Friday’s meeting.
Ashe and Melillo also asked committee members to begin a list of ideas for the Senior Week theme as well as a logo to design the Senior Week T-shirts given to all seniors.
Melillo also went over food choices for the formal banquet dinner at the Omni Hotel for the Friday event following graduation day. These topics will be discussed in further detail during the next Senior Week meeting this Friday, Feb. 21 at 3 p.m.
Committee members and the committee adviser, Kerstin Soderlund, are still in the process of finding alternative ways to accommodate additional seniors. However, these accommodations will depend on the number of seniors who have signed the waiting list, showing an interest in Senior Week.
E-mail Austin Ashe or Felicity Melillo at their respective Quinnipiac e-mail addresses with any suggestions, and look for next week’s follow-up in The Chronicle.