The Democratic Party hit rock bottom on Nov. 6, a day after many Democrats were hopeful of gains in the House and Senate.
Republicans were delighted by the election results. The Trifecta in political terms: control of the White House, the House and the Senate.
Ideologically, the Democrats used Pre-Sept. 11 rhetoric led by Senator Daschle and House Minority Leader Gephart. Former President Bill Clinton, Presidential candidate Al Gore, Senators Leiberman and Hillary Clinton among other notable leaders of the left of past and present failed in their attempts to boost the campaigns of many Democrats across the nation. In simple terms, they failed miserably.
“If the Dems got any good news, it’s that a swing of a couple of hundred thousand votes would have given them complete control of Congress,” said Richard Dunham, White House correspondent of Business Week. “So, with some new leaders and a return to the fundamentals of politics, they could be back in the ballgame in 2004. Of course, that won’t make the sting of 2002 any less painful.”
President Bush campaigned vigorously, sustaining attacks from most critics. The media and Democrats across the nation called his tactics an unprecedented action by any President of past or future.
Not even the infamous Bill Clinton did something like this during his eight years in the oval office, but please spare the jargon for next time, because did any Democrat look at what American voters stated at the polls?
Face it fans of the left, you got what the American people wanted: a president that will get things done. Both the House and Senate working together to move legislation through the halls of Congress to help the American people now. No more politics for the Presidential campaign of 2004. It’s late in 2002, and now the people want action and not excuses or whining from either side.
Connecticut Congresswoman Nancy Johnson handily defeated Congressman Maloney by a large margin in one of the match ups of incumbent verses incumbent, and joined Congressman Chris Shays of the Fourth and Congressman Ron Simmons of the Second Districts in Congress.
Republicans in the House gained seats in this midterm election, putting a firm grasp on legislation in this half of the Congress.
Former Democratic Senator Frank Lautenberg succeeded in his bid to become New Jersey’s first four-term Senator, and Senator John Kerry kept his seat in Congress. Democratic Governor Jeanne Shaheen lost to Rep. John Sununu in New Hampshire’s Senate race.
Republican Rep. Saxby Chambliss ousted Sen. Max Cleland in Georgia and former Republican Rep. Jim Talent of Missouri defeated Democratic incumbent Jean Carnahan.
The lone Democratic pickup was in Arkansas, where state Attorney General Mark Pryor won the seat once held by his father, David Pryor, defeating incumbent Republican Sen. Tim Hutchinson. Senator-Elect Coleman defeated former Presidential Candidate and Vice President Walter Mondale in the camapiagn for the late Paul Wellstone’s senate seat in Minnesota.
Republicans found themselves in a position that seemed improbable before Nov. 5. The party in power in the White House had lost seats at every midterm election except three since Abraham Lincoln was president.
The White House last gained Senate seats at a midterm election in 1982, when Ronald Reagan was President.
History marks Nov. 5, 2002 as a successful victory for President Bush and his agenda.
Election 2002: republican sweep
November 21, 2002
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