As another year at Quinnipiac University comes to a close, the school is yet again preparing for its annual May Weekend. Although there have been some changes made this year, the weekend will still consist of a variety of food, activities, and events for students.
This May Weekend’s live entertainment will be held both Friday and Saturday. Popular Quinnipiac performer, Dave Binder, will perform on the outside stage in the Quad on Friday. Binder will be followed on Saturday by the music of the popular and upcoming band, Uncle Kracker, who will perform in the gym.
Other entertainers will include comedians Wayne Brady, from the ABC prime-time show “Who’s Line is it Anyway?” and multitalented comedian Andy Dick. Brady will be performing Friday night and will incorporate audience participation. Dick will perform live stand up on Saturday.
As in the past, there will be food and games in the Quad on Saturday and Sunday in a carnival like atmosphere. There will also be a “Cyber Village.” The futuristic “city” will include a giant play station, a fighter jet simulator and a bungee jump for thrill seekers.
Students can participate in all activities although there will be no wristbands required for this year’s events as there have been in the past. Validation stickers are now required for all students participating in May Weekend activities.
Due to damages caused by non-Quinnipiac students in the past few years, no guests will be allowed on campus during May Weekend, with the exception of the semi-formal dance.
The University’s annual Quinnipiac Day has also been suspended this year. This decision was enforced by a faculty senate vote prior to planning the event.
The Social Programming Board (SPB) and the Student Government Association (SGA) are in strong disagreement with the decision.
“We’re not happy about it,” said Steve Vindigni, Vice President of Programming. “But this year should be even better than past years.”
Vindigni backs his prediction with the all-star line up of guests.
There is some question to whether students will even attend classes of Friday afternoon at all. According to SPB, there is also some question as to whether teachers will cancel their classes due to the high expectations of class cuts.
Aside from the implementation of the validation stickers and the cancellation of Quinnipiac Day, security will not be tightened this year more than it has in the past.
“We will patrol the dorms as usual,” said Dave Barger, Assistant Chief of Security. “We are dictated by May Weekend.”
Security feels that although there have been problems in the past, they have not been from a lack of security enforcement. Barger attributes the problems to alcohol consumption and the number of people that have been present due to the high number of unregistered visitors.
Maria Raab, a Quinnipiac employee, says of this year’s May Weekend, “It will be interesting.”
Changes rock May Weekend
April 25, 2001
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