My roommate and I figured that with Valentine’s Day, “the day of love,” approaching, what better movie to see than “Valentine.”
“Valentine” is a chilling tale about a nerd who grows up and seeks revenge on all the girls that rejected him in middle school. I thought to myself, “Hmm, that is a pretty good idea to make a film reflecting the pent up rage and depression of all the poor kids that go through adolescent hell because they are just one inch too short, one inch too wide, or one ounce too uncool.”
So, I gave the movie a go and, needless to say, it truly broke my heart to view such an overplayed, typical, gruesome, horror movie. Ultimately, “Valentine,” ended up being like a fourth sequel to the worn out ideas and thrills of “Scream.”
Just like “Scream,” “Valentine” is about a masked murderer who walks around savagely killing girls. The only differences are that instead of wearing a white ghost mask, “Valentine’s” killer wears a Cupid mask. Also, instead of one moronic and eternally screaming girl being chased, there are five girls being victimized in “Valentine.”
Granted, there were moments that made me jump or get a few hairs to raise on the back of my neck. However, it was not a movie that I found myslef discussing or even endorsing for others to go see the next day.
I think the film had the potential to convey a really fantastic message. If there were only more psychology a less gore, then it would have gotten higher regards in my opinion. For example, if the killer’s past was greater reinforced throughout the movie, then it would have been easier to comprehend and sympathize with his reasons for seeking revenge.
I believe that the true terror would have been found in seeing how horrible people can treat others. In seeing how this poor boy suffered as a youngster, it would have had a much more thought provoking effect on viewers.
Everyone is used to seeing the same typical horror movie where a masked monster is chasing around people and eventually killing them. I believe that if the personalities and emotions were focused on more in this movie, then “Valentine” would have been a new and contemplative psychological thriller, rather than another gory, teenage horror flick.
If anything, this film might invite you to take a closer look at who you trust and who you are going to be spending this Valentine’s Day with. Does he or she really want to give you roses, chocolates, and kisses, or is there a deeper meeting behind those sweet gestures? Are those sweet nothings simply plots to lure you into meeting an untimely and vengeful death?
Just remember, on this Valentine’s Day, be careful who you say, “I love you” to because if you do not really mean it, who knows what kinds of consequences you may have to pay later on.
‘Valentine’: A true holiday heartbreaker
February 8, 2001
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