As the new semester begins, many students are thinking about the classes they took, about getting better grades and about what they are going to do when the semester ends. But students will soon face another issue very shortly. This issue is housing.
The housing lottery will determine where students will live next year. Students in this university will have to make some major decisions before March 27. They must decide who they want to live with and where they want to live.
There are many steps to the housing lottery system, which was re-written by the Assistant Director of Student Life, Derek Zuckerman. Housing deposits will be due on Friday, Feb. 25 at 4 p.m. in the Bursar’s office.
Students may hand in the money before then. With this non refundable payment, the students need to hand in the housing contract as well as the information card. This information will be sent out to the students this coming week.
The second step is a personal choice. As stated above, students in this school have the right to choose where they want to live and who they want to live with. This is the step where you decide your fate.
Derek Zuckerman said, “Students should take this seriously. This will play a major part in who they live with and where they want to live next year. This is a major decision.”
First students will have to decide how many people they want to live with. They can either live in a triple in Dana, a five-person room in the Village 400’s and 460’s, a six-person room in the Complex, a seven-person room in the Hill apartments and the Village suites or a ten-person room in Larson, Troup or Perlroth.
The next step is determining the starting date. This number is decided by the year the student entered school. If the student entered Quinnipiac in the fall of `99 or spring `00, your starting date is two. If the student entered in fall `00 or spring `01, your starting date is also two.
This system was developed so the students that have the most seniority will have a better chance of getting the housing they want. Students are allowed to mix grade levels, but co-ed dorms are not allowed.
The next step is registration. People who have starting date two and starting dates that are a mixture of one’s and two’s will go on March 27. Those with all one’s will go on April 5.
At registration, students must put in the names of the people they want to live with and where they want to live. By 6 p.m. that night, they will be able to see if they got the dorm they want. If they are unable to get the dorm of their choice, Residential Life will contact them and they will let you rearrange your room accordingly.
The last part of the room lottery is room selection. For those with starting date two’s and those that are mixed, this date will be April 3. For those with starting date one’s, this date will be April 11. By the time that they leave for summer vacation, you will know everything about your living situation for the upcoming year.
Housing problems to culminate for juniors in months ahead
November 28, 2000
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