Plans change
Emily Flamme has written 81 articles for The Chronicle spanning all four sections.
April 26, 2022
When I applied to Quinnipiac University, I was interested in the dual-degree programs it had. Specifically, the accelerated 3+1 BS in Biology/MS in Molecular and Cell Biology program.
During my first few weeks here, I was so excited for the future research I’d be conducting. Something else I was excited for was the minor in journalism I was pursuing. I thought it would be beneficial for my future career in research to have some background in communications.
I’m sure that would have been true if I didn’t go to the involvement fair. I walked into the Recreation Center and had a plan to seek out a club for students interested in science. Plans have a funny way of changing.
My horse-blinders on for anything science were quickly rendered useless by the people screaming at the entrance: The Chronicle. I had no idea what this organization was and even less of an idea why its members were so excited.
They started talking to me and asked what I was interested in. They were met with an emphatic “science.” I made the serendipitous mistake to say I was minoring in journalism. I saw about 10 eyes light up.
I attended the first meeting of the semester and signed up to write. It was a story about Hurricane Dorian demolishing the Bahamas. I interviewed a student who was from there and had family still living there. I remember not fully understanding how to write a story, but I didn’t care. Interviewing the sources and being able to share their story was so thrilling for me. I wrote every week the entirety of my first semester.
The whole semester went by, and I wasn’t even that interested in my biology class. My priority was who I had to interview next or what event I had to cover.
At the end of the semester, I applied for associate news editor. Once I was accepted in the position, I was sure that solidified my future in journalism, so I swiftly changed into the communications accelerated 3+1 program with a major in journalism.
In the blink of an eye, it came time to choose what my graduate degree would be. Over my second year with the Chronicle as news editor, I realized my passion about journalism was actually a passion for communications.
I transitioned to news editor the same week Quinnipiac announced it would be closed for the remainder of the spring 2020 semester due to COVID-19.
Cue the craziest year for the communications industry. A year filled with uncertainty, countless messages in the editorial board group chat (sorry, guys) and thousands of words uploaded to The Chronicle’s website about the pandemic.
With the policies and updates about the virus, one thing remained: my desire to communicate this with everyone. I remember wishing I could work for the school’s public relations team and write stories and create infographics for them, so everyone could be kept in the loop. This is where my enthusiasm for public relations was born.
Despite my desire to work in public relations now, I never would have discovered that unless I went on this journey through this organization. My best piece of advice to anyone is to take your time discovering your interests.
It’s nice to have a plan, but life is so much more enjoyable when you make room for self-growth.
Thanks to The Chronicle and its members for giving me the space to learn more about myself.