Brighten up that depressing dorm room of yours
April 6, 2021
Like many of us, I do most of my schoolwork from the comfort of my bedroom. I keep my windows closed to block out the glare on my computer, but trading real sunlight for a glowing screen has taken its toll on my mental health.

Doing work from the same room all day is not ideal, but it’s something we’ve had to become accustomed to because of the pandemic. Being cooped up in our rooms hurts us mentally. Anyone who’s taken high school science courses knows that our bodies need vitamins to keep us happy and healthy, and sunlight helps us convert cholesterol into vitamin D.
Though vitamin D isn’t something we put a lot of stress on for wellness, it’s imperative to have proper levels of intake. A study published in BMC Psychiatry’s journal and others like it have shown that low vitamin D levels are found in those diagnosed with major depression and that raising them with sunlight or supplements improves mental health symptoms.
The solution? Get yourself a plant friend. Give yourself a reason to keep your windows open so that your plant can photosynthesize and you can reap the benefits of the fresh air for yourself. As the weather gets nicer, getting a plant of any size can be a fun, low-maintenance hobby for any living space. All you need is water and sunlight.
And to boot, having a plant has mental benefits of its own. A study from Texas A&M University concluded that living nearby green spaces or nature, “can improve mood, reduce the negative effects of stress, encourage physical activity and other positive behaviors, improve cognition, reduce aggression, and enhance overall well-being in people of all ages under many different circumstances.”
As the weather gets nicer, more plants have popped up in the York Hill and Cafe Q dining halls for sale. If you have extra meal plan money to burn, I highly recommend getting yourself a plant or two to brighten up your living space.