Bobcat Buzz: The path toward reopening Connecticut
March 16, 2021
In a blink of an eye, society is celebrating the one-year anniversary of the COVID-19 pandemic. It feels like it was yesterday that schools closed for an extended spring break and the pandemic was just an epidemic.
Dealing with the trauma and struggles of the pandemic has been taxing. There are glimpses of normalcy, which create excitement and impatience in everyone. But we need to take a step back, and build on the progress we’ve created in a progressive style rather than setting us back with a surge in cases and deaths. It is one thing to hear about the numbers and be unfazed, but it’s essential to remember that attached to every number is a person with a story.

Across the United States, 14 states lifted their mask mandates in March 2021. Connecticut’s guidelines on the one-year anniversary of the pandemic include removing restrictions for restaurants, libraries, gyms/fitness centers, houses of worship and the extension of more. The limitations for gatherings, at a private residence, include 25 people indoors and 100 people outdoors while the limitations for commercial venues changed to 100 people indoors and 200 people outdoors.
Although there have been almost 1.5 million people vaccinated in Connecticut, we cannot be quick to remove regulations. Rather we should formulate a plan for reopenings in a fashion so that a large proportion of the population can enjoy social interactions with peace of mind, after being fully vaccinated. If we’ve learned anything over the course of the pandemic, it’s how the illusion of a steady society can create a disaster in a matter of time.
Bobcat Buzz is a new column covering Quinnipiac’s smaller but important topics.