Democrats, please pay attention to this. Yes, all of you.
I understand that you’ve been a little flighty lately and it’s hard to find a medication strong enough to rein in all of your mood swings and alter-egos.
But Democrats– Progressives, Centrists, Socialists, Democrats disguised as independents, members of the Green Party who vote Democrat because Trump thinks global warming is a hoax, Republicans who vote Democrat because Trump thinks he’s a Republican– please don’t screw up in 2020.
You have one shot to restore democracy in America. You have one shot to go high, when they go low. You have one shot to beat Trump.
It would be great if you did so in a nice, united fashion rather than trying to take down Trump with 40 mini-attacks instead of one, big blow.
I know you all disagree on things–Medicare for all or Medicare for most? Marijuana for all or marijuana for medical purposes? But it’s time to set aside your differences to work towards a common goal. And the goal is this–
You can’t come in second place in 2020.
Right now, you’ve got over a half-dozen of you willing to take on Trump in what is destined to be the nastiest political contest in history. You have senators, mayors and former cabinet secretaries. You have gay people, children of immigrants, African-Americans and someone who is 0.1 percent Cherokee.
There’s a lot to work with here.
The truth is, I’m one of you. I fit perfectly into your flighty, factionalized party and I’m worried about 2020. I’m worried about how one slip-up could result in a repeat of 2016. So, I have a few tips.
If Hillary Clinton enters the race again, pretend she’s invisible. Rumor has it, if you ignore bad behavior, eventually it will go away.
If a viable candidate receives the nomination and has secured the support of most of the party, please try to be compliant. I understand that it might not be ideal, and they might support Medicare for most rather than for all, but that’s a 2024 problem. Right now, we just need to win.
Please do not try to support a candidate who will beat Trump by acting like Trump. No one is like Trump and no one can do Trump like he can. Inauthenticity proved fruitless in 2016.
If you’re like many Democrats and want to elect a female, immigrant, progressive who is also amazing at skateboarding, it might be time to get realistic and settle for less than your ideal candidate. If the leading candidate is a woman with immigrant parents, but she’s more centrist and only roller skates, please support her.
Show up to the polls. Whining for four years and then refusing to do anything about it is embarrassing.
Remember what we have in common. When looking at the modern Democratic Party it’s so easy to see our differences. When it comes down to it, we all value the government as a tool to improve the lives of Americans. We all respect the wonderful diversity that comprises our nation. We all see how Donald Trump stands in direct opposition to these values that we hold to be true.
Now, we all must agree to collectively elect his successor.