If Domino’s just isn’t cutting it anymore and you’ve been craving a homemade meal, satisfaction may be just around the corner.
Some students, including a room of women in Mountainview decided to bring home-cooked meals right to their dorm rooms.
“We don’t all love to cook but living together definitely helps,” said Lauren Fiore, sophomore health science major. “We all love to eat, so when one person bakes, we all try to help. Then we can devour the food without feeling guilty.”
Teamwork seems to be a key component when it comes to cooking a good meal, with ten students living in most mountainview rooms, there is plenty of help to go around.
Even for students who would not list cooking as their forte, a home-cooked meal is always appreciated.
“I’ve never really cooked or baked since I’ve been here,”sophomore Jenna Stafford said. “I just enjoy what is given to me.”
According to sophomore Brianna Schneider, cooking in the residence halls has given students the freedom and confidence to make meals her parents thought she would never conquer.
“I try to [cook] but my parents and my brothers usually try to keep me out of the kitchen [at home],” Schneider said.
Another student, Lisa Therisod, says that breakfast is one of her favorite meals. She suggests a tasty and easy take on the typical egg.
“One of my favorite breakfast foods is called ‘eggie in a basket,'” Therisod said. “It’s a simple recipe which consists of cutting a circle in the bread, grilling it, and cracking an egg in the center. It makes for a funky piece of toast.”
Despite their increasingly busy schedules, the students try to squeeze in time to cook. At least for special occasions.
“I cook because of birthdays and because I enjoy it,” Meaghan McCann said. “There’s probably like a cake a week being baked [by me].”
Aside from satisfying their appetites, cooking also brings the roommates together and gives them a little time to relax.
“I like food to be a conversational thing,” Danielle Nugent said. “Dinner is a time when everyone can hang out and talk.”