Does everyone dream? Yes. Are all dreams remembered? No. According to, six years of our lives are spent dreaming and on average a person has four to seven dreams in one night. Rarely does someone remember all of their dreams. Usually the dream that a person is having right before they wake up is the dream they will remember, but states that after ten minutes of being awake, 90% of the dream is forgotten. “I only remember the dreams I have if I’m half awake or if they are really meaningful,” said Michael McDowell Smith, a sophomore Liberal arts major.
Since everyone dreams, does every dream have to be meaningful? According to, all dreams are significant. Each different aspect of a dream is a symbol, and represents a reflection of the dreamer. The symbol that gets the most response from the dreamer is usually the key to the interpretation.
To start the process of interpreting your dream, think about the different themes that occur. For instance, states that if a person continues to dream about death, it means that change is about to occur in their life. “I always dream about someone I love dying,” said Kevin Aries, a sophomore Broadcast Journalism major. “But I wake up in the morning feeling like it will bring about a positive change.”
Other themes include animals, which reflect good or bad traits of you, and children, which symbolize something new and exciting.
“In general, I think that dreams reflect my hopes and my fears,” said Meghan Amato, a junior Sociology major.
There could be many interpretations of one dream and all could be correct. Dreams are very efficient and address multiple topics all in one story line. In just one night of dreaming you can predict what the future holds, learn about your personality traits, be warned of a health issue and even solve a problem. Eleanor Roosevelt once said: “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”