There are many thankless jobs out in the world today; garbage man, postal carrier and press secretary for the president of the United States. Recently, President Bush’s press secretary, Scott McClellan resigned from his post in the White House.
Being the press secretary at the White House requires that McClellan give the press information without giving too much information. Some people have the personality and charisma to handle this job, such as Bush’s first press secretary, Ari Fleischer. Others, like McClellan, just look like a bumbling, nervous child who just got in trouble and is trying to talk his way out of it.
I do not think that people should blame the bearer of bad news, but with the many follies of this White House and McClellan being the spokesman for that news, it almost seemed inevitable that he had to go. Just in this past year, he had to deal with Hurricane Katrina, the war in Iraq losing its popularity quickly, the failed nomination of Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court, and the Scooter Libby problem. All of this was more than McClellan could explain to the press.
McClellan looked uncomfortable in many press conferences that I saw. When talking after Hurricane Katrina, McClellan delivered this gem, “The president has wanted to visit the area as soon as possible. We didn’t go sooner because we didn’t want to be disruptive of efforts going on the ground.” McClellan could have explained this in a better way. How could the president being at the site of the worst natural disaster in American history be disruptive?
Quotes like this made McClellan hard to watch at times. While he delivered many memorable quotes, what McClellan will most likely be remembered for is repeating many phrases that did not answer a single question. The media would get irritated with McClellan because he would dodge questions and refer them to other members of the government for answers.
For me one of the funniest moments of the Scott McClellan era was the day he resigned. McClellan announced that he was stepping down from his post with President Bush by his side. Funny Bush showed up when McClellan resigned because if Bush was at some of McClellan’s press conferences, it would have taken a lot of pressure of him. But Bush was true to form by showing up at the wrong time.
Bush spoke at McClellan’s resignation press conference and was quite funny. Bush told the media that he and McClellan will be old men in Texas sitting on rocking chairs remembering the good old days. I have this question for Bush: When was that good old day, especially for McClellan? I don’t think McClellan had a good day as the press secretary. If there was it should be honored because if McClellan did have a good day with the information he was giving the press, he should get an Oscar for fantastic acting.
I will miss Scott McClellan. Seeing him on the news always brightened my day because he looked and sounded like he was a deer in headlights. I would soon feel a little depressed when I look down and see the headline “fill Bush debacle in here.”