“Honey, where should we go on vacation?” has been a question plaguing families for years. There are countless comedy movies that have made humor out of the stressful event that is a family vacation.
Ever been to Wally World with the Griswolds? The closest thing we have in real life to Wally World is Disney, but who has the time. There is a great vacation spot right at our footsteps and its called Quinnipiac University.
Consider a brochure advertising a trip to Walt Disney World. Right on the cover, a smiling family holding hands with the timeless mascot Mickey Mouse. Now consider an admissions guide to Quinnipiac University. You see smiling students, eating a picnic lunch on a gorgeous day, most likely under a tree, sitting with the president of the university.
Now if you have ever actually been to Walt Disney World, you know just how often you see Mickey Mouse walking around in public. Even less likely than seeing him, is the chance of actually being able to have him embrace with your entire family while you have a stranger take a photograph of you. Now, ask yourself this.
How many picnic lunches have you actually had under a tree with the president of the university?
There are other ways you can experience the thrill of Walt Disney World here at Quinnipiac University. Just try finding a parking spot at 11:00 AM. When you are done with that, wait in line for a meal at the cafeteria at noon. While you are enjoying your $3.50 Frappuccino, you can have valuable time to reflect on what a fun vacation this is. Hopefully this will distract you from wondering what makes the price of a Frappuccino go up from the $2.50 that it costs in the School Bookstore, or the $2.00 it costs in the vending machine upstairs in the student center.
After you are finished with your meal, you can take a walk to the Quinnipiac quad, but watch out for the golf carts zipping by! On a nice day you’ll see students playing Frisbee out here on the quad. I personally think the university hires these students to play Frisbee on nice days.
Think about it, have you actually ever seen anyone you know out there playing Frisbee? I have never seen any of these students in my life, except out on the quad playing Frisbee. Maybe they don’t go to class. Anyways, I digress.
So Quinnipiac University is a great place to bring a family on vacation. Just make sure you book a place to stay really far in advance, because from what I hear, there is a housing shortage.