With the 2004 presidential election rapidly approaching, students and all eligible voters should be asking themselves if they are prepared to make a well-informed decision.
Theoretically, we should all be prepared.
Three debates have come and gone. The issues have been presented, in each candidate’s opinion and ideas for the future, if elected.
Political analysts have studied the issues as presented by each candidate in order to make the voters more informed on the major subjects.
Talk shows, political cartoons, commercials and many other aspects of the mass media have been showing American citizens the highlights of each candidate’s campaign and what they will do to make America better.
Websites, both partisan and non-partisan, have featured the highlights for citizens to research and learn about at the touch of a button.
But how prepared are we really to make such an important decision on Nov. 2 – a decision that will help to decide the fate of our country for the next four years?
Jorge Villaverde, senior biology pre-medicine major, feels he is ready.
“After watching the three debates and researching each candidate’s opinion on the major issues, I feel that I am well prepared to make an informed decision in this my first presidential election that I am able to vote,” Villaverde said.
Some students feel that comprehensive reporting plays a major role in their political knowledge.
“After watching all three debates and news coverage, I feel that the media has done an accurate and objective job of portraying each candidate. I feel I am certainly informed enough to vote,” Jeff Blanchet, senior media production major, said.
Kristin Vidile, senior biomarketing major, also feels prepared.
“This is the first time I have had the opportunity to vote in a presidential election and I am excited,” Vidile said. “I have been keeping track of the debates and am on the John Kerry e-mail list, in which I receive e-mail updates of his stance on all the issues.”
Adam Gardiner, senior biomedical marketing major, feels differently.
“I am still not totally sure who I am going to vote for,” Gardiner said. “But, I have been starting to talk more and more people affiliated with each candidate’s position in order to help me start forming my own opinion, one that is versed enough to make a well-informed decision.”
Gina Herring, senior biomedical science major, agrees with Gardiner.
“I do not at all feel prepared to vote,” Herring said. “Due to work and other activities, I was unable to watch the debates.”
“Thankfully, my roommate taped the debates for me so I look forward to watching them in the near future in order to help formulate my opinion very soon.”
Andrew Bussler, senior biomedical science major and resident assistant, feels discouraged about the overall lack of interest in some in regards to the election.
“It’s a shame that some people who are eligible to vote are not registered and are so uninterested in the outcome of the election,” Bussler said. “We need to realize that our vote counts and without it, we are taking away our say in the outcome and running of our government.”
“I have done what I can do to inform myself and those around me. Now it is there turn to do their homework.”
Some students feel that those who are not informed cannot make a good decision
“If you’re not informed to vote, then you shouldn’t vote,” Spencer Hunter, senior business management major, said.
“People who are still undecided are idiots.”