This is the true story of seven strangers, picked to live in a house and have their lives taped, and find out what happens when people stop being polite and start getting real. It’s The Real World!
In its 15th season the show is following seven young individuals who are living in a renovated bank in Philadelphia.
If selected to be on the show cast members get to live in a funky decorated house, travel to exotic locations, and work in an out of the ordinary job.
It seems like an amazing experience, but if given the chance would you want to put your life on hold for four months and live under the public eye?
The opinion is varied among students.
“I probably would not want to be on the show,” said junior Danielle Mooers, psychology major, “at this point in my life I am too comfortable with the way things are to just pick up and leave for that amount of time. I also like my privacy.”
“I am camera shy,” junior Nicole Sellers psychology major said, “I wouldn’t want to be the object of everyone’s attention, or the person everyone tunes into Tuesdays at ten to watch me live my life.”
Some people just don’t think they would make very interesting cast members, and don’t want to look like a fool on TV.
“I could see my self doing stupid things and thinking it was funny, until I had to see myself on TV,” said Sellers.
Others would jump at the chance to be on the show.
“I would love to be on the real world. You get to have a video diary of some of the best times in your life,” said junior Melissa Trebbe, communications major.
“When I have kids of my own, and they try to tell me I don’t understand or am not cool, I can show them all the wild things I got to do,” said Trebbe. “You would get to learn so many new things in that situation that I do not think it would be something I would ever not want to do. I would love going out and having people be like ‘Hey aren’t you that girl from the Real World’? It just seems cool,” said Trebbe.
Of concern to some students would be getting along with such a diverse group of strangers. They tend to pick cast members that fill specific requirements, the bitchy girl, the jock, the quiet one and other personalities.
“I don’t think anyone in any situation would be able to get along perfectly,” junior Michelle Clemente, communication major said.
“I wouldn’t cause any drama, but I would not be one of the more interesting personalities on the show. I feel it’s hard to do that with out being this outrageous person that the cameras make you out to be,” said Clemente.
Whether or not you would want to be on the show, no one can deny there is a certain chemistry that happens when seven strangers are forced to live together sharing rooms and having no TV. Almost like your first college semester it is a time where you are put in situations an have emotions like you will probably never experience again, only this way the whole country gets to experience them with you.