The students of Quinnipiac University look up to the members of the Student Government Association for guidance, resources and support. However, because of the severe disorganization of the SGA – the students of Quinnipiac cannot benefit, as they ought to.
As the Opinions and Editorial Editor, as well as a concerned student, I have attended most, if not all, of the SGA meetings so far this 2003-2004 academic year. What I saw was not pretty. One meeting I attended discussed adjourning the meeting for in excess of 20 minutes. Generally a motion on the floor has 10 minutes for discussion before going for a vote. However, on more than one occasion, a motion was extended for unlimited discussion time which, if not bad enough, included no crucial points except to say that it made the meeting drag on for much longer than it needed to.
A major point that needs to be made is that much of the time wasted due to confusion. The members of SGA, many of who are returning members, often lack even the most basic knowledge of Robert’s Rules of Order. As the primary, and only, protocol that the governing body needs to follow, it is preposterous that the rules of order is as unknown to the organization as efficiency itself.
It is true that those who feel most adamantly about an issue fight the fiercest, however, when it gets to the point where mere bickering, name-calling and total lack of regard for protocol is reached, chaos ensues. We cannot have this in a student government meeting and particularly not on a regular basis. Change is needed in the Student Government Association and change is needed now.
The number of students who actually have an inkling of what is going on can be counted on one hand. Students like Dennis Kisyk, Tom Hyde and Dan Looney are in the minority when it comes to organization and realization of just how important an organization that they have been chosen to be apart of. These few students speak adamantly about topics in view of all to see, members, media, on-lookers and advisors alike. Likewise, they take every action very seriously and with great concern to the student body. After all, the Student Government Association is the closest thing you and I have to change. With that said, if the very tool that we need is dull and rusted away, is it at all effective at getting us what we needed.
My fellow students, we are not speaking about just another organization on campus. We are talking about our voice to the administration.
We are all in this together. We selected these young men and women to do what is in our best interests. While some of the members are, most are not.
Very few students attend SGA meetings. When they do, it is generally because their organization has made a special appeal for more money. I would make a bet that most students don’t even know how much money is left in the special appeals budget. Do you?
It is likely that the dismal attendance of students is a direct response to lack of respect placed on the Student Government Association by the members who make up the association. I encourage you to attend the next Student Government meeting. They meet almost every Wednesday at 4:15 in SC 207.