Television’s popular reality show, “The Bachelor,” has begun its third season on ABC. The premise behind the show is that one highly eligible male, or in the case of “The Bachelorette,” one female, is placed into a surreal setting where 25 members of the opposite sex vie for their attention and the opportunity to be chosen for either group or private dates with their potential suitor.
Each week the Bachelor presents a continually shrinking number of roses to those contenders that he would like to see stay for another week, narrowing down the playing field with each rose ceremony.
The final episodes see the Bachelor and the last four women go home to meet the women’s families. This provides a valuable insight as to who the women really are outside the show’s glitz and glamour. The last two women also get the chance to meet the Bachelor’s folks.
Finally it all comes down to those two prime candidates that the bachelor must choose between to pick his potential bride. The last episode is always one of suspense as the viewers wait to see who the bachelor has chosen, whether or not he will propose, and whether or not his chosen bride will accept his proposal. It absolutely appeals to anyone who still believes in a white knight appearing out of the blue to whisk off his lady into the happily ever after.
Following the first two bachelors, Alex Michel and Aaron Buerge, new bachelor Andrew Firestone, 27, is the great-grandson of tire entrepreneur Harvey Firestone.
Firestone said, to, “This is a unique opportunity to meet a lot of beautiful women who come into this sincerely, without knowing my last name.”
He wants to find a woman that loves him for him, and not for his money. However, the ladies suspected he was someone “important” and ferreted out his identity during the second episode. Now the question arises–will they chose Andrew for who he is or for who his family is?
Growing up, Firestone worked in the vineyards alongside his father Brooks, the creator of a successful California winery and brewery business. After attending the University of San Diego, he worked at a brokerage in San Francisco. He then joined the sales team at the winery after the tech division cooled at the brokerage.
On the show, Firestone dates 25 women, narrowing down his choices each week to ultimately find a bride-to-be. His first favorable impressions center on contestants Elizabeth, Heather, Kristen and Kristina.
He was attracted to Elizabeth’s energy and that she comes from a close family. He thought that Kristina and Heather were very mature. Features that made Kristen appealing to the Bachelor include her magnetic personality and beauty.
This reality show has struck a varied chord with Quinnipiac students.
Senior social services major Emily Pember has watched previous seasons of “The Bachelor.” She said, “I think finding a ‘soul mate’ is something that just happens. It’s not something where you can pick a time and place and expect to just find someone. That’s why the couples on these shows have never worked out.”
Pember continues to watch the show because “even though the whole concept doesn’t work out, the show ends up being entertaining anyway. And I like to see who the people pick, to see if I’d pick the same ones.”
Freshman physician assistant major Cassandra Schleier agrees with Pember, saying, “That’s just insane. You’ve got to be really desperate [to be on the show.]”
However, sophomore mass communications major Adam Brooks disagrees. “I’ve got nothing against it. The producers have found an idea that is getting viewers and making money,” he said.
“The Bachelor” has become so popular, that the bachelors and bachelorettes have become celebrities overnight.
For Firestone, his new celebrity status has not sunken in yet. His family and friends help keep him grounded. He does not believe that he will be affected by this new status, but he is excited to see what his future holds. So are all “The Bachelor” fans.
“The Bachelor” appears on Wednesdays at 9 p.m. on NBC.