If you spend a lot of time in the Student Center, chances are you have become a recognizable face to those who work there.
Phil Carolla, a custodian, is one these people. Most people that work on the second floor of the Student Center has had a conversation with or at least knows who he is. The best part is that everyone who knows Carolla likes him.
“He is always a very personal person and also very nice. He always has a positive attitude and he is always able to brighten up people’s day,” said Ellie Wirzburger, the president of G.L.A.S.S.
Carolla is a native of New Haven and has lived here since his birth. He was an only child and grew up with his mother and his father.
“I like it here,” said Carolla. “It has changed a lot, maybe for the worse, maybe not. But, I like it.”
Carolla said that when he was growing up in this area, it was more of a sububan area. Now, it has gotten very commercial.
“It is a good thing that the college students are here. They bring a lot of money into the town,” said Carolla. “It benefits everyone.”
Carolla now resides in Hamden with his wife, Jean, of 38 years and his daughter Lauren, 32. His other daughter, Gina, lives in Wallingford with her two children Ashley, 5, and Amanda, 3.
Carolla, however, was not always affiliated with Quinnipiac.
He withdrew from Southern Connecticut College after one year.
“I didn’t fit in there,” said Carolla. “I wanted to get out into the world.”
Carolla then was a self-employed, selling for the company Stellad’oro Cookies. He stated that he was a distributor for the company for 27 years.
“I worked there until the company combined with a bigger company,” said Carolla.
After this, it took a long time for Carolla to find a job.
He worked for UPS and a construction company in Hamden.
In 1995, there was an opening at Quinnipiac for a night’s position and Carolla went for it.
“Most new people start here at night,” said Carolla. “There was an opening in the law school, so they moved someone over there, and I got the job in the Student Center.”
Carolla said he also helps out the facility workers who clean the other three levels of Tator hall when he is no busy.
“My job consists of cleaning the bathrooms, the floors, and doing the garbage,” said Carolla. “I also clean all of the offices.”
Carolla works 40 hours a week, Monday through Friday, 6 A.M. to 2:30 P.M. He also works weekends to get overtime.
During the summer, Carolla is responisble for cleaning the resident halls and preparing them for the upcoming school year.
“I love this job. I love mixing with the kids. I love talking to the students. It is the best part of my job,” said Carolla. “I get to know most of them on a first name basis and they get to know me. It’s great.”
Carolla went on to say that there is nothing that he doesn’t like about working at Quinnipiac.
“I only have positive memories about my experience here,” he said.
Life and times of Phil Carolla
November 28, 2002
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