Fifteen Code Blues are stationed around Quinnipiac’s parking lots, but some students are concerned about their own safety and feel that the number of safety devices should increase.
According to John Twining, chief of security and safety, there are four located in Hilltop, six in the North Lot and five in the Whitney Lot. There was no mention of having Code Blues in the Hogan Road parking lot or in other places throughout campus.
“There are not enough Code Blues,” said student Eamonn Bransfield. “The campus is bigger than just the North Lot and there are other areas the poles should exist.”
The West Woods parking lot, located behind Tonino’s Pizza, is property leased by the university and therefore does not have any Code Blues.
“At night there is always poor lighting in the West Woods lot,” said student Sharon Garces. “There is a security guard that is always on duty, but that does not mean that he notices every person in the lot. I would feel safer if there weren’t only Code Blues, but also more lighting in general.”
While Code Blues appear in some parking lots, they are not located anywhere else on campus. At other schools in the area, such as the University of Connecticut at Storrs, Code Blues can be seen within a close range of each other.
“I think that they are dispersed in the parking lots too much,” said a female student who did not want to be identified. “I do not think that it is safe, because if I am ever in such an emergency where I have to use one of them, I would have to hope that I am near one. Otherwise, I have to run a distance to actually find one that I can use.”
Security said prospective students and their parents are interested in the university because the campus is marketed towards safety and security.
“The parents love to see the Code Blues around, because they like to know that a college campus is considered safe and has the recourses necessary if an emergency occurs,” said Twining.
According to security, there is no need for more Code Blues at this time.
Code Blues serve two purposes. Each pole has two buttons on it. One can be pushed when information is needed and one can be pushed when there is an emergency.
When the information button is pushed, a line rings in the Security Office and advice is given. When the emergency button is pushed, the blue light on the pole flashes and a dispatch unit is sent to the pole, while at the same time an emergency comes up on the switchboard. Security knows exactly where the call is coming from.
According to Twining, the information button is mainly used for students who are lost and need directions, and the emergency button is used for students who have car trouble or other emergency situations.
Security said the university will install more of these devices in the near future when other construction projects arise. Since installing the poles is not a simple procedure, the university prefers to put the poles up while a new construction project is underway. The Code Blues require both power and separate connections, so it is easier to add the poles when the ground is already broken up.
“If future projects occur along Dorm Road or in the Quad, then Code Blues may be installed, but are not urgent to the campus at this time,” said Twining.
Students upset over lack of Code Blues
October 3, 2002
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