Admissions tour guides will now be extending their route for prospective students allowing them to see The Ledges and the new Mountainview dormitorites.
The goal of the extended admissions tour is to maximize what students see on campus.
With the new construction and renovations, the cafeteria and Athletic Center have become areas of attention, because they reflect the university’s growth and expansion, said Heidi Farber, associate director of Admissions.
“Extending the length of campus tours by an extra few minutes allows more to be seen and allows prospective students to see changes Quinnipiac is proud of,” she said.
The Admissions staff, including Joan Issac Mohr, vice president and the dean of Admissions, came up with the idea to extend the tour route in order to show as many buildings as possible.
Recently, the main dorms prospective students were seeing on their admissions tour were The Commons and Irmagarde Tator Hall dormitories.
New tours are expected to run from one hour to one hour and twenty minutes, while earlier tours ran for one hour.
The tours will continue to show the main academic buildings including the Dean Robert W. Evans College of Liberal Arts Center and the Carl Hansen Student Center.
“The university’s administration, along with the admissions staff, is eager to show what this university has to offer students,” said Farber. “The campus, just looking at it, promotes itself with the incredible facilities that it has to offer. But, it is not only the facilities, but also the current students who make this university great.”
The university tour guides, include many students working in the Admissions Officet. They are proud to allow prospective students to see areas of campus that are new or re-done, said Farber.
“The Athletic Center and cafeteria are awesome to look at and it is nice to see people’s reactions when seeing them for the first time,” said junior tour guide Santo Galatioto. “It is amazing having people see Mountainview.”
Farber and Galatioto agree the reactions of this campus have always been great, because people enjoy walking onto a New England based campus. They have received compliments from prospective students and families about the new tours, even though the tours have been in effect for only one week.
Farber said students mainly comment on the grounds of this university and prospective families are put at ease knowing the university is nice and there are many new areas.
“Showing more of campus allows prospective students to know exactly what this university has to offer them with the different types and styles of housing options on campus,” said Galatioto. “Mountainview looks like a little city and The Village looks like a little village. It is so nice to show prospective students differences in the architecture here.”
Other students feel that this extended tour is a positive change.
“I think it is a good idea to show all the way down dorm road,” said Loren Marcus. “It is good to show off what we have because we have some pretty nice dorms. As a prospective student, I was also curious about what other housing Quinnipiac had to offer other then the freshmen dorms.”
Prospective QU students to see new extended tour
September 26, 2002
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