Most people think that college is a place where one learns, studies, drinks and sleeps their days away. But that is not the case for four Quinnipiac sophomores. True, these things may have been in their heads, but not in their hearts. Music is boiled in the blood of these four students.
Jason Kuerth, Craig Castagna, Grant Cardillo and David Blanchard met in Irma their freshman year. These four students became friends due to the fact that they each played an instrument. Because of this musical passion, Likewise would soon be born.
Likewise played a show at Quinnipiac last Sunday at the Landing Zone, which was packed with about 30 fans.
The band played songs off their new EP “The Dark House EP”, which is on sale for $5. Some Memorial songs played were Matthew, Lost, and a new rendition of Lament.
“We found out that we all played instruments and that we all played a different one,” said Blanchard, the lead vocalist and rhythm guitar of Likewise. “We decided to get together and fool around. But, the music sounded really good.”
Likewise was formed soon after. Kuerth, (bass), Castagna (drums), Cardillo (lead guitar), and Blanchard continued to practice and actually recorded their first song on Quinnipiac soil.
“It is actually funny. One of our first songs ‘Lament’ has a lot of meaning to the band. We made a crappy demo of it in the bathroom of Irma. We e-mailed it to all our friends. It got passed around. I started getting e-mail from people I did not even know. I got one from someone in California,” said Blanchard.
Their newly found fan base was like a dream to the band.
“It was crazy. It was surreal. I couldn’t believe it was happening,” said Blanchard.
Even the bands families are excited about their endeavors.
“Music runs in my family. Both my parents were in a band. They told me right out of the blue that they were so proud of me. Craig’s family has respect for the music that we play. Grant’s and Jason’s families love it,” said Blanchard.
But, parents still have their worries.
“If they feel like we are concentrating to much on the band, they remind us about school,” said Blanchard.
The band has changed their style of music over the last year. They believe they have become more solid as a band.
“We use to play all acoustic love ballads, but not anymore. We have gotten louder and faster. We now play songs with political means, we write about stuff we know, stuff that has affected us,” said Blanchard.
The band has also changed names over the past year. Likewise was formerly named AmberGrey. With the help of another band, the come upon the name Likewise.
“This is a funny story. We were playing at a show with this other band and neither of us had a name. We just recently dropped the name AmberGrey, because we decided that we didn’t like it anymore,” said Blanchard.
“Anyway, before the band went on stage we were talking. They told us that they did not have a name and asked what ours was. Without thinking, we said Likewise, meaning, ‘yeah, us too, we do not have a name. But, when they were done playing they announced us as Likewise. The name just stuck,” said Blanchard.
Likewise has played in many areas around Hamden, such as the Cactus Bar, and Callaghan’s in Cheshire. They have also played on campus.
“We feel that the kids on this campus really matter. They are a heavy part of our fan base,” said Blanchard.
Likwise can be seen playing at the following events:
April 13: Complex courtyard- 6 p.m.
April 19: Complex courtyard- time unknown.
April 27: May Weekend: SPB Mini Festival of Music 4-5 p.m.
For more information about the band contact any member of the band or Ryan Jones, manager.
Student band Likewise plays at Landing Zone
April 11, 2002
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