“We exist to act as the liaisons between the students and the administration as well as to fight for the resolution of student concerns and make those resolutions and ourselves known to the Quinnipiac community.” This is the second line from your SGA’s mission statement.
For the past few weeks, the Student Government Association has been working diligently with the administration on addressing some major student concerns. The student voice was heard loud and clear when it came to security measures up on the York Hill and North Haven campuses. To address such matters, the Student Awareness Committee consistently met with Chief of Security and Safety John Twining and Senior Vice President for Administration Rich Ferguson. Further, to tackle such efforts in a more holistic approach, the Student Leaders Advisory Committee of the Student Government met with President John Lahey and Vice President and Dean of Students Manuel Carreiro to bring more awareness to the need for a stronger security force as the University continues to expand and develop.
The administrators were very receptive to the student voice and have already taken action. As reported by Junior Class Representative Ben Wald, the administration has committed additional funding to the Security Department which allows for more safety and security personnel. Additional security officers will be posted on the York Hill campus, with a second guard already committed to the parking garage.
The moral of this story is clear: Your voice, the student voice, is extremely important when it comes to making Quinnipiac a stronger community. Not only do we want to hear your voice on matters of concern, but we want to hear your comments on every matter that can make Quinnipiac University a stronger and better place to live, learn, and grow. As the semester continuously progresses, please know that your Student Government Association is always advocating on behalf of the student voice.
Thank you for making Quinnipiac a stronger community.
Live the Legend,
Lou Venturelli