Across the York Hill campus, Bluelight devices have been installed to further develop the security situation at Quinnipiac. The walk from the York Hill parking garage to the Crescent dorm building is not exactly a treacherous one. However, extra security measures give a peace of mind to any late night walker. Student Government Junior Representative Ben Wald reported on Wednesday that security has really improved its system to further ensure student safety.
In his interview with Assistant Chief for Parking and Transportation Ron Colavolpe, Chief of Security & Safety John Twining and Senior Vice President for Administration Rich Ferguson, Wald was able to gather specific information about Security’s efforts. There are more than 50 cameras across Mount Carmel and York Hill, 16 of which are in the garage and the remaining cameras are around the outside of the Crescent building. All of these cameras have the ability to pan, zoom and tilt. In addition, six new security team members have been hired.
Security has a huge impact at Quinnipiac University, especially on the York Hill campus. With students constantly commuting back and forth from the facilities, meetings, and classes on Mount Carmel at all hours of the night, having extra security in the parking garage and while walking towards the dorm adds to the sense of comfort on the more secluded York Hill campus.
The Student Government Association, with Wald at the helm, will be working to insure 24/7 personnel coverage at the York Hill campus throughout the upcoming year. With the new campus, it is one of our primary goals to see that the transition goes smoothly, and to continue to cover the bumps along the way.
–Submitted by Marissa Kameno, External Relations Committee